Jåtten skole
Chess Training at Jåtten Skole was established in the 70s. Players range from age 5 to 15 and they grouped based on both age and skill level. Four classrooms/groups currently exist: two for Beginner Players (Beginner 1 / Blue and Beginner 2 / Green), one for Advanced Beginner Players (Advanced Beginner / Yellow) and one for Lower-Intermediate Players (Lower-Intermediate 1 / Red).
Players first receive a lesson of 45 minutes (30 for Beginners), and then they begin to play a tournament game, typically with a time control of 10+5. We currently have about 35 members enrolled here who meet at Jåtten Skole every Thursday.
After a few lessons at the New Beginner's class, the child's skills are evaluated. At that stage, the child is either moved into the appropriate group or remains in the Beginner's class.
Players who frequently attend rated tournaments are automatically considered competitive players. They will be asked to join the competitive group and attend online classes. Please contact the club to raise your interest about becoming a competitive player.

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